Lalux Assurances
Don’t Worry Be Happy
In a world where the unexpected can happen at any time, peace of mind becomes a precious commodity. For Lalux Assurances, offering this peace of mind to its policyholders is a sacred promise. With this clear vision in mind, we set out on a creative journey to translate this promise into a memorable advertising campaign, inspiring everyone to keep smiling, no matter the circumstances.
Lalux Assurances turned to us with a clear objective: to communicate their commitment to taking care of their customers every step of the way, even in the most difficult times.
The mission was to create a campaign that not only conveys this idea, but also embodies the optimistic and reassuring spirit of the brand.
After intense brainstorming sessions and a deep immersion in the world of Lalux Assurances, we found the very essence of the brand: peace of mind. Why worry about the hassles of daily life when Lalux is there to take care of everything?
It is on this idea that the advertising campaign was built. A family returning from vacation to discover that their house had been burglarized. But instead of panicking, they are calm… “Don’t Worry Be Happy” with Lalux, even difficult times can be handled with optimism.
In addition to this campaign, our team created new communication pictograms representing this state of mind while using their recognizable orange color. A reorganization of the name of their products was also carried out.
French version - 01
French version - 02
French version - 03
Luxembourgish version - 01
Luxembourgish version - 02
Luxembourgish version - 03